History (1136)
Information science (1303)
Language sciences (251)
Literature (1159)
Philosophy (93)
Religious Sciences (78)

Jiří Kopecký: Karl Goldmark and Czech National

Branko Ladič: Karl Goldmark und seine späten

Tatjana Marković: Ottoman Legacy and Oriental Self

Verena Mogl: An Impossible Remembrance.

Christina Michael:Manos Hadjidakis’ Early

Lauma Mellēna-Bartkeviča: Representations of

Susanne Scheiblhofer: Tomorrow Belongs To Me: The

George Burrows: Lute Song as Oriental Phantasy.

Lisa Feurzeig: Exotic, Modern, Vulgar: How Austria

Ingeborg Zechner: Orientalismus als Kategorie des

Arthur Kaptainis: Negotiating Identity: Goldmark’s