Technology (1685)
Technological sciences > TechnologyChemical technology (4)
Communication technology (482)
Computer technology (487)
Construction technology (28)
Electrical technology (1)
Energy technology (28)
Environmental technology (15)
Graphic techniques (30)
Industrial technology (10)
Information technology (273)
Instrumentation technology (11)
Laboratory technology (1)
Materials technology (38)
Measurement technology (30)
Medical technology (2)
Mining (1)
Nuclear technology (13)
Production technology (10)
Safety technology (1)
Space technology (5)
Telecommunications technology (171)
Transport technology (2)
Future technology (19)
Interface technology (4)
Internet technology (301)
Knowledge technology (2)
Nanotechnology (15)
Quantum technology (22)
Standardisation of technologies (1)

Analysis of Students’ Approach to School Subjects
Dr. Prof. Alena Hašková
PhD. Michal Munk 14 years ago - 18:45

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