Information science

Information science (1303)

Humanities > Information science

FRBR - an overview

Dániel Golden 9 years ago - 1:05:30

ExLibris - ILS Presentation - ALMA, PRIMO

Alan Oliver 9 years ago - 1:08:34

ExLibris - ILS Presentation - ALMA, PRIMO

Alan Oliver 9 years ago - 1:23:15

ExLibris - ILS presentation - ALMA, PRIMO

Christian Motovsky 9 years ago - 1:01:46

ExLibris - ILS presentation

Miklós Lendvay 9 years ago - 8:40

A rodostói Rákóczi-könyvtár új rekonstrukciós

mtabtk Éva Knapp
Dr. Gábor Tüskés
9 years ago - 23:14

@cult: OliSUIT and OseeGENIUS cataloguing

Tiziana Possemata 9 years ago - 37:24

@cult: OliSUIT and OseeGENIUS new generation

Tiziana Possemata 9 years ago - 1:28:26