Alkalmazott fizika (36)
Biofizika (10)
Kémiai fizika (1)
Klasszikus mechanika (99)
Számítógépes fizika (8)
Kondenzált anyagok tulajdonságai (4)
Elektromágnesesség (178)
Elektronika (77)
Matematikai fizika (4)
Optika (13)
Kvantummechanika (55)
Relativitás (8)
Szilárdtestfizika (3)
Statika (3)
Statisztikus fizika (9)
Termodinamika (3)
Felületfizika (1)

Amorphus iron formation in swift heavy ion

Depth profiling of mechanical stress in Al2O3:Cr

Presentation of the Bogoliubov Laboratory of

Structure research of magnetic colloidal systems

Radioanalytical investigations in FLNP JINR for

Theory and evaluation of diffuse resonant photon

Transverse and longitudinal momentum spectra of

High-energy particles as QGP-messengers at RHC and

Experimental investigation of quark-hadron phase

Exotic nuclear excitations and clusterization

JINR-Debrecen, new ideas of collaboration