Kónya Béla: Save as


Kónya Béla: Save as

From the second part of the 20th century artists have been using new technologies that present a big challenge for museums when it comes to collecting them. Media art based on technology – videos, film, digital art, art based on the internet – is shifting and because of that we need to approach conservation from new aspects and perspectives. The international discussion about preserving media art started in the middle of 1990’s. This process has not appeared in Hungarian conservation education, the catch up is still yet to come.

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Cultural policy, Cultural heritage, Museology, Artefacts, Movable patrimony

múzeum, MUZEUM@DIGIT, kultúra


3 November, 2015

Dóra Szabó

8 March, 2016

<iframe width="480" height="385" src="//dev.videotorium.hu/en/embed/12639" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe>

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