Virginie Berdal: HistoPad Chambord


Virginie Berdal: HistoPad Chambord

In conjunction with Histovery, a French start-up specialized in technical innovations aimed at promoting our cultural and architectural heritage, the domaine national de Chambord co-produced a mediation tool that is at once novel, cutting-edge, interactive and pedagogical. With its 3D re-enactments and augmented reality, the digital tablet known as "HistoPad Chambord" not only offers visitors of all nationalities a virtual tour of the 16th-century castle, but also escorts them in their discovery and exploration of today's site.

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Cultural policy, Cultural heritage, Museology, Artefacts, Cultural heritage research, Immovable historic buildings, Movable patrimony

múzeum, MUZEUM@DIGIT, kultúra


4 November, 2015

Dóra Szabó

9 March, 2016

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