András Smohay, András Cseri: Indoor localization based on iBeacon and EddyStone in the Diocesan Museum of Székesfehérvár
András Smohay, András Cseri: Indoor localization based on iBeacon and EddyStone in the Diocesan Museum of Székesfehérvár
The Diocesan Museum of Székesfehérvár has been looking for the technology that can help visitors learn the exhibitions using their own smart tools. In 2015 with the help of EnitLab Ltd. the museum developed an indoor localization test system based on iBeacon technology. The next step will be the development of an application that can be downloaded by anyone. The presentation examines the demands that have occured so far from a museological point of view, furthermore it discusses the experiences gained in the last months and the future plans.