ExLibris - ILS Presentation - ALMA, PRIMO


ExLibris - ILS Presentation - ALMA, PRIMO

Presentation of Ex Libris on its new product.
Presentation of Alma workflow, uniform in case of all types of collections, focusing mainly on acquisition, resource management, lending / fulfillment, administration, Alma analytics and issues related to intelligent cooperation.

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ILS, integrated library system, digital library, union catalogue, Alma, Primo

Alan Oliver (előadó)


2015. június 16.

lillinbeatrice@gmail.com Országos Széchényi Könyvtár

2015. szeptember 8.

<iframe width="480" height="385" src="//dev.videotorium.hu/hu/embed/11755" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe>

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