Hydrocephalust okozó szűkület stereotaxiás endoscopos tágítása a 3. kamra falán keresztül.
Jeno Julow MD DSc, St. John’s Hospital Dept of Neurosurgery and SOTE Neurosurgery by generous and help of Japan International Cooperation Agency
Csatornák Idegsebészeti videok rezidenseknek , Harmadik kamra ventriculostomiája Kategóriák Sebészet, Agy- és idegsebészet Kulcsszavak ventriculostomy, sterotactic endoscopy neurosurgical procedure, Kocher's point, intracranial pressure, intracranial pressure, endoscopic third ventriculostomy, ETV, obstructive hydrocephalus, cerebral aqueduct, congenital, tumor-related, communicating hydrocephalus, normal pressure hydrocephalus, frontal horn, third ventricle, mantle of brain thins, enters endoscop, 12 mm diameter, standard burr-hole, coronal suture, foramen of Monro, loor of the third ventricle, entering the foramen of Monro, thalamostriate vein , septal vein, perforate the third ventricular, basilar artery, avoid that basilar artery, Fogarty balloon catheter, prepontin cistern, basilar artery, reperforation, MRI, headache, corpus callosum, septum pellucidum, anterior commissure, choroid plexus, lamina terminalis, optic chiasm, optic recess, infundibular recess, pituitary gland, tuber cinereum, mammillary body, pineal gland, posterior commissure, cerebral aqueduct, endoscopic equipment, vein of septum pellucidum, fornix, technique, stereotaxy, 3d ventricle, stereotaxy, Monro point, endoscopy, rinsing, iodine ventriculography, image intensifier, fluoroscopic screen intensifier, fluorescent screens, bildverstarker, NPH, disturbance, emesis, triventricular hydrocephalus, cinereo-Monro-calvaria appoach sec Julow, vigil coma, brain swelling, Stookey operation, washing lightly, blood clears away , Julow, Jeno Julow , Dr, DSc, med. habil. dr, St. John’s Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery, Budapest, Hungary, h102494jul@ella.hu, h12494jul@t-online.com, julow9@gmail.com, Dr.Julow Jenő Viktor, Szent János Kórház, Szt. János Kórház, neurosurgery, idegsebészet, JICA, video, resident, E-book, St. John Hospital, idegsebészeti osztály, neurosurgical video movies, idegsebészeti video, 脳神経外科, Julow ないジェノサボー オルザグ, 神经外科的视频电影, 住院医师, vídeos de Neurocirugía, enseña a cirugías de cráneo, جراحة الأعصاب وأشرطة الفيديو, يعلم جراحات الجمجمة, Нейрохирургия видео, giải phẫu hộp sọ dạy, ngôn ngữ thiểu số neurosurgical Felvétel hossza 5:24 Felvétel dátuma 2012. december 4. Feltöltő: Prof. Jeno Julow Feltöltés dátuma 2012. december 4. Megtekintések száma 124